BookEnviron Pages Align at Constellation Studios
Paper Fiber: Shaped & Formed is the current exhibition at Constellation Studios in Lincoln, Nebraska, featuring the large installation Magnolia BookEnviron by Veda Rives Aukerman and Meda Rives Smith. As the city of Lincoln celebrates FiberFest featuring contemporary fiber and textile artists, Constellation Studios presents the unique paper art of four artists: Veda Rives Aukerman, Meda Rives Smith of Illinois, Tom Lang of Missouri, and Jill Powers of Colorado. Paper Fiber: Shaped & Formed continues through February 27, 2021.

Makeover, Renovate, and Revitalize!
These buzz words describe our mindset as we launch our new dynamic interface for Mirror Image Press website! Immersive images of our works of art rotate in beautiful galleries featuring BookEnvirons, Artists’ Books, Prints, and Handmade Paper. Projects and activities are highlighted with updated content as well as enhanced communication with the addition of this Blog. Be sure to check out all the exciting changes and return often to mirrorimagepress.com to keep up to date. Please make comments. We would love to hear your feedback.
#makeover #renovate #revitalize